The Economy:
- It is vital that we keep Jersey’s economy strong for the benefit of all.
- We must manage tax revenues better.
- Work harder to eliminate duplication, waste and inefficiency in the public sector to better ensure that health, education and pensions are funded.
- We need a low footprint, high yield economy (fewer people being more productive).
- We must allow our agricultural industry to diversify and modernise.
- The IT, creative and e-commerce sectors must be given more support and assistance by reducing bureaucracy and providing our young people with the skills to enter these sectors.
- We need to consider the balance between supporting local traders and the threat of competition from online shopping. This is critical for St. Helier and the wider Island.
Our economy is heavily reliant on the finance and tourism industries. While it is important that we continue to support these, and those choosing career paths in these areas, it is important to look for new options for the future and find new innovative ways to diversify and grow our economy.

Small Businesses
Small businesses contribute to the diversified economy of Jersey and there should more encouragement on entrepreneurial attitudes.
I propose that more publicity is given to the already available assistance for new businesses in Jersey.
As a small business owner and a professional management consultant myself, I would support creating training programmes for the younger generation to encourage them to take interest in self employed options for their future.
The high street and retail sector in particular are suffering from the burden of high rents and the increased competition from online shopping.
I will encourage and support the retail sector in Jersey through regeneration of the main and secondary retail areas, and assist the Town Centre Manager in making St.Helier a welcoming shopping area.
I have many years experience working in the tourism sector in Jersey and have been bringing non-English speaking tourists to the island for over 9 years. I believe my knowledge and experience of the tourism industry can help to increase the number of tourists to Jersey, which will benefit our economy.
Self Employment
There is a huge jump to be taken when moving from being an employee to becoming self-employed.
I propose that people wanting to become self employed have greater assistance from government departments. I will cut the red tape, and create a simple procedure for registering with all the necessary departments and getting the permissions and permits to run a small business in Jersey.
I will create an environment where the ‘Mompreneurs’ will find it easier to start new ventures and contribute to the economy from home.
I will work to create an environment where it is easier and less financially dangerous to take the risk of becoming self employed, or opening a small business.
The Digital Economy
We have a comprehensive fibre optic network and are a small enough island to adapt and respond quickly to new trends. We have enough experience in Finance and Management to give a comprehensive legislative and legal platform for developers.
It is important to support digital entrepreneurship and will hold to the account to Tech fund which received 20 mln Government support to develop Digital economy on the Island
We should create an Innovative Hub with industry leaders and experts with varied technological skills and areas of expertise.